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As I mentioned initially many books have been written to the subject of playing cards. But the fewest can be recommended to the new collector. As a matter of fact there is only one book I believe is a must for every collector. It is:

"Alle Karten auf dem Tisch - All Cards on the Table
Collection Sammlung Sylvia Mann
Deutsches Spielkarten-Museum
Jonas Verlag" 1990
ISBN 3-922561-98-5

This book consisting of two volumes (picture and explanation part) is no longer available in book stores. But at electronic auctions and from playing card deals they are occasionally seen.

In this book are shown quite complete the standard cards with variations over centuries. To each game there is an description. Further you find information about manufacturers, tax stamps and general something about the history of these cards. Further this book is often used as reference - also from card dealers - to illustrate what cards is talked about.

Depending on the direction the collector sets his priorities later works can be added. For nearly every specific field there is further literature existing, such as countries, patterns, games, manufacturer, tax stamp and even erotic. Manufacturers' catalogues and guides to exhibitions enrich further the choice. Playing card associations also have their own magazines that are published regularly.

At the end of this roundtrip you find the used abbreviations and a Glossary. Also some explanations are illustrated with pictures.
