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Different Manufacturers

Different Manufacturers

The various patterns are offered by different manufacturers. They have variations that cannot be seen at first glace. It can be quite appealing to collect the same game from different manufacturers. Additional interesting is when some companies do not exist any longer.

Same Naples game of differnt manufacturers. First row: Armanino, Cambissa, Dal Negro, Italcards.

Second row: Masenghini, Modiano, Murari, Pignalosa.


Not only from manufacturer to manufacturer there are differences. Also from the same manufacturer you can see changes over time. In the shown example (Berlin pattern, queen of hearts) all pictures are slightly different, even some are from the same manufacturer. Of course in the entire deck there are more differences, just think of manufacturer marks that can change when there was a merger or takeover. Sometimes the specific card with the company loge is changed or the design of the suits varies.

In this example the diamond symbols are different in shape or pattern. All four aces are from a Berlin game.

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